
战略性新兴产业创新政策研究:以NEVI为例 被引量:28

A research on innovation policies of strategic emerging industry based on the new energy vehicle industry in China
摘要 战略性新兴产业发展意味着对传统技术轨道的替代,其创新过程会遭遇"失灵"问题,在完全市场机制下,替代无法自动实现,需要政策干预。本文基于针对新能源汽车产业创新政策的实证研究提出:战略性新兴产业发展各阶段的失灵机理和表现不同,政策干预的目标和工具选择也应动态调整;产业创新政策研究和制定应遵循"发展阶段-失灵机理-政策目标-政策工具"的理论框架;NEVI产业的阶段性政策目标未达成的原因包括政策激励的着力点偏差、政策对象不全面和政策工具出台不及时等。本研究具有开拓性,有重要的理论和现实意义。 The development of strategic emerging industries means to replace the traditional technological trajectory,and its innovation process will encounter"failure"problem. Under the mechnism of complete market,new technological trajectory can not be automatically realized,and hence policy intervention is necessary. Based on the study of innovation policies of new energy vehicle industry,this paper holds that in the development of strategic emerging industries,the failure problems and its performance at different stages vary,and therefore the corresponding objectives of policy intervention and policy tools adopted should be adjusted dynamically. Besides,researching and making policies of industrial innovation should follow the theoretical framework of " stage of development- failure mechanism- policy objectives- policy tools". The reason why policy objectives of NEVI industry at different stages were not achieved includes the deviation of the focus of policy incentives,the incomprehensive policy objects,and the lag of policy and so on. This study is pioneering and has important practical significance.
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期1-9,共9页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于创新型国家建设视角的经济 科技 创新政策协同机制研究"(71073010 2010.1-2013.12) "行政体制情境下中国创新政策协调研究"(71573014 2015.1-2018.12) 科技部创新体系建设办公室专项"产业创新模式与激励政策研究"(2013cxb24 2013.7-2014.6)
关键词 战略性新兴产业 技术轨道变迁 失灵 创新政策 新能源汽车 strategic emerging industry technological trajectory change failure innovation policy new energy vehicle
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