
基于多功能车辆总线的动车组自动化调试系统的设计与实现 被引量:2

Design and Realization of the Automatic Test System for EMU Train Based on MVB DataFlow
摘要 在动车组调试过程中,需要实时获取车辆状态数据,但由于车内系统接口的不完善,导致车辆状态数据获取困难,难以有效地辅助调试工作,为了使调试过程中车辆数据可以得到实时的采集与分析,并结合数据采集流程制定自动化调试流程,基于多功能车辆总线的自动化调试系统可以在实现调试流程标准化的前提下,实现系统与总线数据环路的实时交互,并在调试流程自动执行的过程中,实时获取并分析车辆状态,通过验证分析,该系统可以实现车内12个分系统将近200个状态参数的实时获取与分析,并提高车辆调试效率30%以上。 In the process of EMU train test,the real time data of train is needed,but because of the interface of the data system does not meet the demand,it is difficult for the test workers to get the feedback data while testing.In order to get the status data of the train and real-ize the automatic test system,By the method of automatic test solution based on the MVB data flow,the test system can extract the useful data from MVB data flow with the standard test process,after the analysis of the data,the technical status of the EMU train can be get ex-actly and rapidly,which can improve the quality and efficiency of the EMU train test.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 2016年第6期147-151,177,共6页 Computer Measurement &Control
关键词 多功能车辆总线 自动化调试系统 数据交换 automatic test system data exchange
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