The effects of different fertilization modes on dry matter accumulation and yield of spring maize in red soil upland were studied by conducting plot field trial. The treatments were conventional fertilization + organic fertilizer used to the whole plough layer (T1), conventional fertilization + organic fertilizer with hole application (T2), conventional fertilization + potassium (T3) and conventional fertilization only (CK). The results showed that: The SPAD of leaves ol spring maize under different fertilization modes were conventional fertilization + organic fertilizer with hole application~ conventional fertilization + organic fertilizer used to the whole plough layer〉 conventional fertilization + potassiumS〉 conventional fertilization^And the leaf area per plant and leaf area index of spring maize were conventional fertilization + organic fertilizer with hole application^conventional fertilization + organic fertilizer used to the whole plough layer〉 conventional fertilization + potassiumS〉conventional fertilization~ The dry weight of root under conventional fertilization + organic fertilizer used to the whole plough layer and conventional fertilization + organic fertilizer with hole application treatments are heavier than that under other treatment; Plants under conventional fertilization + organic fertilizer with hole application treatment displayed the largest dry weight of both stem and leaves at jointing stage, heading stage and maturing stage,The results indicated that organic fertilizer with hole application significantly increased the ear length,kernel number, number of grains in an ear and lO0-grains weight than that of the conventional fertilization. The grain yield of spring maize with different fertilization modes were conventional fertilization + organic fertilizer with hole application~ conventional fertilization + organic fertilizer used to the whole plough layer~ conventional fertilization + potassium conventional fertilization. Meanwhile,the grain yield of spring maize with conventional fertilization + organic fertilizer used to the whole plough layer, conventional fertilization + organic fertilizer with hole application and conventional fertilization + potassium were increased by 6.59 % ,25.40 % and 3.32 %, respectively, compared with the conventional fertilization. The results clearly demonstrated that the dry matter accumulation,grain yield of spring maize and water use efficiency were significantly promoted by applying organic fertilizer with holing, which was the best choice for spring maize production.
Journal of China Agricultural University
spring maize
fertilization modes
dry matter
grain yield