

Bibliometric analysis of Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics from 2010 to 2015
摘要 目的探讨《中华骨科杂志))2010至2015年刊载论文作者、基金资助、机构、地区分布情况,了解科研人员合作类型及特点,确定核心著者、核心机构及核心地区,从文献引证角度透视《中华骨科杂志》的学术水平和期刊质量。方法检索中国科学引文数据库(ChineseScienceCitationDatabase,CSCD),采用文献计量学方法,对《中华骨科杂志》2010至2015年刊载论文作者发文数量、合作情况、核心作者、作者地区分布、作者系统分布、论文高产机构、基金来源及分布等进行统计;利用2013至2015年版《中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》,对骨外科学类期刊主要指标及互引关系进行评价。结果《中华骨科杂志》2010至2015年共发文1342篇,第一作者1009人。以第一作者发文1篇者802人,占第一作者人数的79.48%。作者合著论文1293篇,合著率96.35%,合著度5.69;独著论文49篇(3.65%)。高校附属医院发文799篇(59.54%),省市级医院发文321篇(23.92%),部队医院发文138篇(10.28%)。核心著者63人(6.24%),发文252篇(18.78%)。论文高产机构20个,发文630篇(46.94%)。北京地区发文238篇(17.73%),居第1位。2010至2015年刊载论文获得基金资助652项。2012至2014年,《中华骨科杂志》核心总被引频次10153,2012年在骨外科学类期刊中排名第1,2013至2014年排名第2;核心影响因子从2012年的第4位上升至2014年的第2位;综合评价总分2012至2014年均排名第1位。结论《中华骨科杂志》拥有一支人数众多的作者队伍,作者机构来源广泛,地区分布范围广,合著率高,吸纳基金资助论文能力较强,高校附属医院和省市级医院是主要的论文产出机构;核心总被引频次、影响因子、学科扩散指标、学科影响指标、综合评价总分居同领域期刊前列。 Objective To investigate the distribution o-f authors, funding, institutions and regions of Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics between 2010 and 2015, understand the types and characteristics of authors cooperation, identify the core author, core institutions and core regions, as well as evaluate academic level and journal quality from the view of literature citation. Meth- ods According to Chinese Science Citation Database (referred CSCD) and bibliometric methods, we made statistical analysis, in- eluding the number of papers, cooperation, core authors, regional distribution of authors, systematic distribution of authors, produc- tive institutions, funding sources and distribution. On the basis of Chinese science and technology journal citation reports (Compendex) from 2013 to 2015, the main indicators and coupling relationship of bone surgery journals were evaluated. Results From 2010 to 2015, Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics published 1 342 papers. There were 1 009 first authors, among which 802 authors (79.48%, 802/1 009) published only one paper; 1 293 co-author papers contributed to 96.35% cooperation rate and 5.69 degree of cooperation. Forty-nine papers (3.65%, 49/1 342 ) had only one author, and 799 papers (59.54%, 799/1 342 ) were published by af- filiated Hospital, 321 papers (23.92%, 321/1 342) by provincial and municipal hospitals, 138 papers (10.28%,138/1 342 ) by mili- tary hospital There were 63 (6.24%, 63/1 009) core authors publishing 252 papers (18.78%, 252/1 342), and 20 productive institu- tion publishing 630 papers (46.94%, 630/1 342) in which Heijing was ranked at No. 1 with 238 papers (17.73%, 238/1 342). From 2010 to 2015, Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics publishing papers got 652 funding. From 2012 to 2014, its core total citations were 10 153, ranked No.1 in bone surgery journals in 2012 and ranked No.2 in 2013-2014; impact factors rose from ranked No.4 in 2012 to ranked No.2 in 2014, and the comprehensive evaluation of total score ranked No.1 in 2012-2014. Conclusion Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics has a strong team with a large number of authors, extensive source of institutions, a wide regional distribu- tion, high cooperation rate, and strong ability to attract assistance funded paper. Affiliated Hospital and provincial and municipal hospitals are the main source of paper in the journal. Its core total citations, impact factor, subject diffusion index, academic im- pact indicators, comprehensive evaluation score were located in front rank of the same field of journals.
作者 于光 方丽
出处 《中华骨科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期804-809,共6页 Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics
关键词 文献计量学 期刊论文 期刊影响因子 Bibliometrics Journal article Journal impact factor
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