

The Smuggling of Migrants in Greece: An Examination of Its Social Organization
摘要 偷渡活动并非是新产生的现象。近年来,国际社会对偷渡问题及其防控的关注持续增长。在欧洲,由于希腊特殊的社会、经济、政治、地理位置等因素,希腊的偷渡问题非常独特。引发偷渡现象的因素同时也是引发世界范围内从东到西、从南到北的大量移民运动的部分因素,这其中有推、拉和促进多个层次。偷渡通常由犯罪组织实施,某些情况下也可以由个人实施,希腊偷渡的组织结构及其运行模式,凸显了希腊既是目的国又是中转国。 The smuggling of migrants is not a new international attention. Within the European context, phenomenon but in recent years it has attracted increasing Greece represents a unique case because of its social, eco- nomic, political and geographical location. The linked processes that lead to the smuggling of migrants have to be seen as a part of wider changes in the world that have also brought about the large migrant movements from east to west and from south to north. There are both push and pull factors. The smuggling of migrants is carried out by criminal organizations or indivaduals under some circumstances, which highlights the fact that Greece is both a des-tination and a transit country.
出处 《河南警察学院学报》 2016年第2期43-52,共10页 Journal of Henan Police College
关键词 希腊 国际犯罪 移民偷渡 影响因素 组织结构 Greece international crime the smuggling of migrants factors organization structure
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