Nanyue Records is an important geographical records of the Six Dynasties Period.It was written by Shen Huaiyuan in Southern Dynasty of Song after he somehow got himself incriminated and was relegated to Guangzhou.The book was lost probably in Yuan Dynasty.Currently there are compiled edition copies of the book such as Tao Zongyi's Shuo Fu(陶宗仪《说郛》),Five Dynasties Novels(《五朝小说》),Wang Renjun's Yuhanshanfang Compilation of Scattered Books' Amendments(王仁俊《玉涵山房辑佚书补编》),Tao Dong's Compilation Series of Scattered Books(陶栋《辑佚丛刊》),Ye Changchi's Hudanlu Copies(叶昌炽《觳淡庐丛稿》),Wu Zengqi's Old Novels(吴曾祺《旧小说》),Liu Weiyi's Compilation of Scattered Han Tang Local Records(刘纬毅《汉唐方志辑佚》),and Luo Wei's Compilation of Scattered Lingnan Ancient Local Records(骆伟《岭南古代方志辑佚》).But all these compiled edition copies still have omissions to be filled up.Currently existing compiled texts of the book cover recordings of various contents such as geographical infomation,natural sceneries,local products and customs,historical contents,folklores and stories,and even novel-like contents,and have important value as historical materials and of great literary sense.
China Local Records