
职业成长理论辨析与测量:主客观指标整合及实证研究 被引量:5

The Defination and Measurement of Career Growth:the Integration of Indicators and Empirical Research
摘要 近年来,新生代员工的高离职现象使得人们开始关注职业成长问题。在对相关概念进行辨析的基础上,构建职业成长的主客观测量指标体系。组织内职业成长是主客观指标的整合,主观指标包括晋升可能性、职业潜力、一般能力提升和特殊能力提升等四个维度,客观指标包括加薪、岗位平行调整和岗位晋升次数等三个维度。这一结论为今后员工职业成长的研究和预测提供了有效的测量工具。 The higher turnover of the new generation attracts the attention to career growth. This paper constructs the subjective and objective indicators of career growth concluding that organizational career growth is the integration of both indicators. And the subjective ones are career prospects,career potential,the increase of general employability skills and specific employability skills,while the objective ones are pay increase,hierarchical advancement and horizontal mobility. This paper might provide an effective measurement for the employees career growth.
出处 《首都经济贸易大学学报》 2016年第4期41-49,共9页 Journal of Capital University of Economics and Business
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"组织社会化策略对女性员工工作适应与职业成长的作用机理研究"(13BGL084)
关键词 职业成长 职业成功 主客观指标 新生代 career growth career success subjective and objective indicators the new generation
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