This paper introduces the real output growth rate gap,and the money wages growth rate adjusted by the growth of labor productivity,on the basis of the relevant economic theories,and in combination with a more standardized data processing to labor productivity money wages. The study indicates that the real output gap the nominal growth gap have significant positive explanatory powers to inflation rate,and the asynchronous adjustment between the growth rates of labor productivity of money wages will change the original relationship between the demand gap the inflation rate. Further the study found that the faster potential output growth will help alleviate inflationary pressures; that the faster labor productivity growth will help alleviate inflationary pressures due to the presence of the nominal wage stickiness; and that using more stringy wage growth of urban workers can fit out China's Phillips Curve better than using the growth of weighted wage of employed persons in urban rural areas due to the presence of the differences of the different nominal wage stickiness.
Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences