Guolu yin or furnace silver(过炉银)was a distinctive regional currency that developed in the Yingkou area in the late Qing period.It was one of the main forms through which China's monetary system was transformed from a silver weight-based currency to one based on accounting and credit.The system emerged around the 1860s-1870 s,and remained in regular use as a stable currency from the 1880 sto the 1900 s.Thereafter,under the impact of foreign incursions and governmental interventions,it suffered repeated crises and institutional adjustments.The guolu yin was established and managed by the Gongyihui(公议会 Council),a local merchant organization in Yingkou.It improved on the exchange mechanism model supplied by the Shanxi piaohao(票号 draft bank).Operating in the currency market by providing large trade payments plus short-term loans and bank drafts and cushioning transaction risks,the guolu yin served as a medium of exchange and a credit instrument for trade in Yingkou and the area covered by its market.The operating mechanism of the guolu yin reflects the main elements and the basic characteristics of the late Qing currency market.
Historical Research