
无定形无线覆盖网络理论与关键技术 被引量:8

Theory and Key Technologies of Amorphous Cellular Networks
摘要 未来无线移动通信要求数量级提高传输速率、频谱及功率效率,并能提供更均匀的覆盖和更短的时延,无定形无线覆盖网络以柔性组网为基础、以用户为中心,能够深度挖掘无线资源、大幅提升用户体验,是支撑新一代宽带绿色移动通信最具潜力的研究方向。但是目前其仍处在起步阶段,存在着具有挑战性的基础理论和关键技术问题,有待深入、系统地研究。本文从无定形无线覆盖网络架构下包含的信道特征与信息理论分析、无定形无线覆盖网络无线传输以及环境综合感知与动态资源调配等方面入手,详细描述了多层小区重叠覆盖、控制面与用户面分离及上、下行接入模式解耦等核心理论问题,指出无定形无线覆盖网络可大幅提升系统平均吞吐量和区域容量,实现全维度均匀覆盖,最终以高质量的用户体验满足未来移动通信业务流量的增长需求,进而揭示出完整的无定形无线覆盖网络通信理论方法的重要理论意义和现实价值。 Abstract: The future wireless mobile communication demands for the increased transmission rate, spectrum effi- ciency, and energy efficiency by orders of magnitude, while it also targets at providing much uniform coverage and shorter time delay. Amorphous cellular network, which is based on flexible networking, can fully exploit the wire- less resources and significantly enhance user experience, and is then deemed as the most promising research area for the next generation of broadband green communications. Despite of all these advantages, the related research remains in its initial stage, while lots of challenges still reside in the fundamental theory and key technologies which ask for further investigation. The article intends to carry out the analysis of channel characteristic and information theory under the frame of amorphous cellular networks. The transmission technologies of amorphous cellular net- works are studied, the comprehensive environment sensing is performed, and dynamic resource allocation is de- signed. The core theoretical issues are focused on, such as the overlapped coverage of multiple layer cells, the sep- aration of control planes and user planes, as well as the decoupling of up/downlink access mode. We expect to for- mulate complete communication theory and methodology for amorphous cellular networks, tremendously improve the system throughput and region capacity, achieve the uniform coverage with full-dimensionally, and ultimately meet the growing demand of future mobile communication traffic flow with high quality user experience.
出处 《数据采集与处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期429-439,共11页 Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing
基金 国家自然科学基金(61531011)资助项目
关键词 无定形无线覆盖网络 多层小区 无线传输 动态资源调配 环境感知 Key words: amorphous cellular networks multiple-layer cells wireless transmission dynamic resourceallocation environment sensing
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