
正常人骨盆骶棘韧带的解剖学及MRI成像研究 被引量:3

Anatomy and MRI study of the sacrospinous ligaments of normal pelvis
摘要 目的明确骶棘韧带MRI最佳扫描平面角度并探讨其临床意义。方法 (1)正常成人新鲜尸体骨盆标本8具,观察骶棘韧带起止点及其形态特点;(2)利用36例正常人骨盆CT数据,测量骶棘韧带在矢状面上的投影与冠状面的角度;(3)对10名志愿者进行3D MRI扫描,记录骶棘韧带角度并与CT数据对比;比较斜冠状面与常规3个面的显像效果。结果 (1)骶棘韧带起于骶尾部连接至坐骨棘。(2)骶棘韧带在矢状面上的投影与冠状面的角度CT数据测量结果为(61.32±8.71)°,在双侧及性别上无统计学差异(P>0.05);(3)MRI测量结果为(57.53±2.12)°。CT数据与MRI数据比较无统计学差异(P>0.05);斜冠状面的成像优于常规扫描(P<0.05)。结论骶棘韧带MRI扫描在(60.0±5.0)°斜冠状面上显像较好,是常规扫描的重要补充。 Objective To obtain the angle of between the axis of the sacrospinous ligament and the human coronal plane in the human sagittal plane. Methods Eight fresh cadaveric specimen were disserted to find the insertion and the course of sacrospinous ligaments. 3D models were reconstructed from the pelvic CT scan data of 36 normal pelvis, the angle between the axis of the sacrospinous ligament and the human coronal plane in the human sagittal plane were calculated based on 3D coordinate of spatial points. 20 sacrospinous ligaments of 10 volunteers were conducted in the 3D MRI series and observed in the MPR (Multiple Planar Reconstruction) image. The MRI image findings of sacrospinous ligaments were compared among different views. Results The sacrospinous ligament passed from the sacrum to the ischial spine. A board range of insertion on the sacrococcygeal region were observed. We found in the CT data measurements that there was no significant differences between the left and the right sides in both genders (P〉0.05). The differences between male and female were of no statistical significance (P〉0.05). The mean angle of the 72 sides was (61.32±8.71)°. The mean angle measured on MRI data was (57.53±9.50)°. There was no statistical significant differences between the CT and MRI measurement results (P〉0.05). We compared the MR imaging at the position of (60±5)° oblique coronal plane and the 3 normal planes and found that the ligaments can better be observed in oblique coronal plane (P〈0.05). Conclusions The sacrospinous ligaments were well shown in (60.0±5)° oblique coronal plane.
出处 《中国临床解剖学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期263-267,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
基金 国家自然科学基金(81272008)
关键词 骨盆 骶髂关节 骶棘韧带 3D MRI Pelvic Sacroiliac joints Sacrospinous ligaments 3D Magnetic resonance imaging
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