目的:通过腧穴之间的针刺感应传导差异、针刺感应敏感度与SEP之间的内在联系,探讨循经感传敏感体质的中枢传导时间(CCT)的特点。方法:健康人为对象,检测下肢部腧穴的针刺感应以及SEP,比较腧穴与腧穴、经脉与经脉之间得气反应特点,以及针刺感应敏感度与Onset(Onset Latency)N13与Onset N20成分的相关性。结果:阳陵泉、解溪穴的针感传导计数低于其他腧穴(P<0.05);悬钟穴的左右侧针感传导差异较大;针刺小腿部8个腧穴时的针刺感应传导率为32.6%、小腿部的胆经腧穴为26.1%、胃经腧穴为34.8%;A组(针感传导腧穴计数<6)的Onset N13左右侧差异大于B组(针感传导腧穴计数≥6)、A组Onset N20左右侧差异小于B组(P<0.05)。结论:小腿部8个腧穴的针感传导率为32.6%,针刺感应传导计数最高的是上巨虚穴,最低的是阳陵泉、解溪穴。针感传导率高的体质中,Onset N13左右差异较小、Onset N20左右侧差异较大,暗示针刺感应与经络-腧穴-体质之间的密切相关性。
Objective: Inner correlation between different conduction or sensitivities induced by acupuncture among acupoints and SEP were in study to investigate characteristics of central conduction time of sensitive constitution circulating along meridians and collaterals. Methods: Healthy human beings were as the detection objects. The acupuncture- inducing sensitivity and SEP on lower legs,precisely on stomach meridian of Foot- Yangming( ST36,ST37,ST39,ST40,ST41,ST42) and gallbladder meridian of Foot- Shaoyang( GB34 and GB39) were tested and reactive characteristics of obtaining qi among acupoints and meridians were compared to find out the correlations between acupuncture induction sensitivity and Onset N13 or Onset N20. Results: Acupuncture- inducing conduction count of GB34 and ST41 was smaller than that of other acupoints( P 〈 0. 05). On GB39,acupuncture- inducing conduction differences between the right and the left were relatively larger. The acupuncture- inducing conduction of 8lower legs acupoints was 32. 6%; of gallbladder meridian acupoints 26. 1% and of stomach meridian acpoints 34. 8%. On Onset N13,the difference between the right and left of A group( needle conduction acupoint number 〈 6) was larger than B group’ s( needle conduction acupoint number≥6) and on Onset N20,A group’s was smaller than B group’s( P 〈 0. 05). Conclusion: On acupuncture- inducing conduction count,ST37 is the largest and GB34 or ST41 is the smallest. In constitutions with high acupuncture inducing conduction,Onset N13 difference between the right and the left is relatively small but Onset N20 is relatively big,hinting that there is a close correlation between needling response and meridian- acupoint- constitution.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine