
知识创新与组织绩效关系的Meta分析 被引量:3

The Meta Analysis on the Relationship between Knowledge Innovation and Organization Performance
摘要 学术界对知识创新与组织绩效的关系已经进行大量的研究,均认为知识创新与组织绩效间存在正相关关系,但相关程度不一,基于此,对相关实证研究进行系统检验和筛选的基础上得到51个效应值进行分析。研究结果表明,知识创新与组织绩效间存在显著的正相关关系(效应值为0.415)。并进一步探讨了潜在调节变量对知识创新与组织绩效关系的影响,在中国大陆文化背景下知识创新与组织绩效的相关程度更高;在多维度知识创新对组织绩效的促进作用更加显著以及在没有中介变量的情况下,知识创新对组织绩效的影响更加显著。 The academic circles have carried out a lot of research on the relationship between knowledge innovation and organizational performance. Scholars think that there is a positive correlation between knowledge innovation and organizational performance,but the correlation degree varies. Based on such a conclusion,we analyze 51 effect values obtained on the basis of systematic examination and selection of relevant empirical research. The result shows that there is a significant positive correlation between knowledge innovation and organizational performance( the effect value is 0. 415). We further discuss the effect of potential regulatory variables on the relationship between knowledge innovation and organizational performance. The result indicates that correlation between knowledge innovation and organizational performance is higher under the background of Chinese mainland culture; on the condition that multi dimension knowledge innovation has more significant promotion effect on organizational performance and in the absence of intermediate variables,knowledge innovation will have more obvious impact on organizational performance.
作者 麻黎黎
机构地区 宁波大红鹰学院
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第12期107-113,124,共8页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"复杂网络环境下中小企业集群创新生态系统:集聚结构与演化博弈"(71372001) 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目"创新网络动态演化与传统制造业集群升级协同研究:基于知识溢出的视角"(LY13G030025) 宁波市软科学项目"宁波专利运营能力及其经济效益发挥现状问题与对策研究"(2014A10077)
关键词 知识创新 组织绩效 META分析 相关关系 knowledge innovation organization performance meta-analysis correlation
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