

Polymorphism in MDR1 gene may affect gingival hyperplasia induced by calcium channel blockers in end-stage renal disease patients
摘要 目的探讨终末期肾脏病(endstage renal disease,ESRD)患者MDR1基因多态性和二氢吡啶类钙拮抗剂(calcium channel blockers,CCB)诱导牙龈增生的关系。方法入选183例ESRD高血压患者,根据所使用的CCB分为3组,同时检测MDR1C3435T基因多态性。结果共有152例患者最终纳入分析,84例发生牙龈增生,其中硝苯地平54例、非洛地平15例和氨氯地平15例,各组患者牙龈增生的发生率无显著性差异(x2=4.968,P=0.083);且MDR1 C3435T基因频率分布符合Hardy—Weinberg平衡分布(CC=28.3%,CT=50.7%,TT=21.0%:x2=0.032,P=0.985);同时各基因型牙龈增生比例无显著差异(x2=3.690,P=0.158),3个基因型牙龈增生严重程度无显著差异(F=0.406,P=0.667)。结论MDR1 C3435T基因多态性可能与ESRD高血压患者使用CCB诱导牙龈增生无显著相关,尚需要在更大样本中进一步检验。 Objective To investigate whether polymorphism in MDR1 gene is associated with gingival hyperplasia induced by calcium channel blockers in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. Methods We studied 183 ESRD patients with hypertension from the Haikou Xiangya Hospital of Central South University. Patients were classified into 3 groups based on calcium channel blocker (CCB) agent used. The patients were genotyped for C3435T polymorphism in MDR1 gene. Results The distribution of C3435T genotype in MDR1 gene was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (CC=28.3%, CT=50.7% and TT=21%; x2=0.032, P=0.985). No statistically significant difference was found in the ratio of CCB-induced gingival hyperplasia among the 3 genotypes (x2=3.690, P=0.158). Conclusions MDR1 C3435T polymorphism was not associated with the CCB-induced gingival hyperplasia in ESRD patients with hypertension. Further study with larger samples may be required.
作者 周君 陈菊
出处 《中国血液净化》 2016年第6期371-374,共4页 Chinese Journal of Blood Purification
基金 海口市重点科技项目2013-61
关键词 MDR1 牙龈增生 钙拮抗剂 MDR1 Gingival hyperplasia Calcium channel blocker
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