
水和液态铅-铋的自然循环流动相似性研究 被引量:1

Study on Flow Similarity Laws between Water and Liquid Lead-Bismuth under Natural Circulation
摘要 自然循环铅-铋冷却反应堆是反应堆发展的重要方向,掌握铅-铋自然循环流动特性是发展自然循环铅-铋冷却反应堆的关键,实验模化相似性研究是其中进行的最广泛的方法之一。本文以相似理论为基础,采用理论推导研究和数值模拟相结合的方式探究用水来模拟铅-铋流动特性的可能性。最终结果显示在稳态工况和瞬态工况下,用水模拟铅-铋的流动特性都是可以实现的。 The natural circulation lead-bismuth cooled reactor is an important direction for the reactor development. Understanding of the natural circulation flow characteristics of lead-bismuth is crucial to the development of natural circulation lead-bismuth cooled reactor. Experimental modeling similarity research is one of the most extensive method for this. Based on the similarity theory, this paper adopts a combination of theoretical derivation and numerical simulation to explore the possibility of water to simulate the flow characteristics of lead-bismuth. Final results showed that the flow characteristics of lead-bismuth can be simulated by water successfully under steady state and transient state.
出处 《核动力工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期31-33,共3页 Nuclear Power Engineering
关键词 液态铅-铋 自然循环 流动特性 相似准则 LBE, Natural circulation, Flow characteristics, Similarity criterion
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