
接受中心静脉导管置入的恶性血液疾病患者中导管相关性血栓的研究进展 被引量:2

Research progness of central venous catheter-related thrombosis in hematological malignancy patients with central venrus catherer
摘要 导管相关性血栓(CRT)是接受中心静脉导管(CVC)置管的恶性血液疾病患者的严重并发症之一。然而,目前CRT的危险因素、发生机制及治疗方案等尚未明确。CRT的发生主要与患者内在因素、疾病及治疗相关因素、导管相关因素及其他导管事件相关。目前,暂不推荐在恶性血液疾病患者(多发性骨髓瘤患者除外)中对CRT进行预防性药物治疗。当患者明确出现CRT时,则应根据具体情况选择抗凝血药物治疗或直接拔管。 Central venous catheter-related thrombosis(CRT) is a significant complication in patients with hematological malignancy who accepted central venous catheter (CVC). However, there are considerable uncertainties about the risks, mechanism and treatment of CRT. Through the study of relevant literatures, we concluded that contributing factors of CRT include patient-related factors, the treatment protocols, the usage of CVC and other catheter events. Anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis is not recommended at present except multiple myeloma patients. When CRT is clear diagnosed, we can choose antithrombotic therapy or directly removeing the CVC based on the specific circumstances.
出处 《国际输血及血液学杂志》 CAS 2016年第3期260-263,共4页 International Journal of Blood Transfusion and Hematology
基金 江苏省中医药局科技项目(L213219)
关键词 恶性血液疾病 中心静脉导管 血栓 Hematological malignancy Central venous catheter Thrombosis
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