
版权援助顾问:MOOC环境下图书馆的新角色 被引量:14

The New Role of Library in the MOOC Environment
摘要 MOOC(慕课)环境下,版权问题日益凸显,鉴于此,文章提出了"版权援助"的新概念,总结了版权援助工作具有服务性、主动性和持久性的特点,并阐述了版权援助的工作内容及其现实意义。通过系统梳理不同版权利益相关者在MOOC制作、教学和使用过程中遇到的版权客体、权利归属和权利限制等版权问题,建议图书馆应成立解决上述问题的"版权援助中心",并着重开展版权状态调查、申请许可、寻找替代信息等版权清理工作,以及版权咨询和版权教育工作等。 In the MOOC environment, copyright issues are increasingly highlighted. In view of this, this paper puts forward the new concept "copyright aid", and summarizes its characteristics of the service, initiative and persistence. The paper expounds the contents and real significance of "copyright aid" . Through systematic combing different copyright stakeholders, different copy- right issues such as the copyright object, copyright holder, limitation of copyright in the process of the production, teaching and u- sing of MOOC, the paper suggests that the library should set up a "copyright aid center" to solve the above problems, and focus on the service of copyright clearance, including copyright status survey, application permission and finding of alternative informa- tion, as well as the service of copyright consult and copyright education.
出处 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期20-26,共7页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
基金 2015年度天津市哲学社会科学规划重点项目"MOOC背景下的图书馆应对策略研究"的成果 项目编号:TJTQ15-001
关键词 慕课 图书馆 版权援助 合理使用权 MOOC library copyright aid fair use right
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