
法治经济成熟度评价体系及其国际比较 被引量:4

Maturity Evaluation System of Rule of Law Economy and International Comparison
摘要 党的十八大四中全会指出"社会主义市场经济本质上是法治经济",进一步强化了中国市场经济的发展依赖于科学有效的法治过程。本文基于国内外前沿研究,科学界定了法治经济成熟度的定义,运用竞争力模式设计出了一套法治经济成熟度的评价体系,采用不可观测变量统计模型编制了世界主要国家和地区的法治经济成熟度指数。本文实证研究部分,依据瑞士洛桑国际管理学院(IMD)发布的《世界竞争力年鉴》数据,结合指标体系和编制方法对世界主要国家和地区的法治经济成熟度进行量化比较分析,同时对中国的法治经济情况进行特别分析。 The eighteen fourth plenary session pointed out that"the socialist market economy is rule of law economy in nature",which puts forward running the country in accordance with the law to further strengthen the development of market economy in our country depends on the scientific and effective process of rule of law. We define the maturity of rule of law economy according to the cutting-edge research literature. Then,we design the evaluation system of the maturity of rule of law economy and use the unobservable variable model of statistics to weave the national and regional indexes of the maturity of rule of law economy according to the competitive model. Based on the scientific indexes system we do empirical analysis about the maturity of rule of law economy of the main countries and regions around the world. To do the empirical study,we calculate the indexes of the maturity of rule of law economy according to the data from World Competitiveness Yearbook published by Lausanne International Institute for Management Development( IMD) in Switzerland and we compare the maturity of rule of law economy about the world's major countries and regions. At the same time,we give a special analysis about the situation of rule of law economy in China.
出处 《统计研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期72-84,共13页 Statistical Research
关键词 法治经济 竞争力 评价体系 实证研究 Rule of Law Economy Competitive Power Evaluation System Empirical study
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