
基于客户企业参与的新服务开发过程中知识转移机制研究 被引量:6

Research on the Mechanism of Knowledge Transfer in the Process of New Service Development Based on Customer Enterprise Participation
摘要 本文利用183家信息服务企业的样本数据,实证研究了客户企业参与影响新服务开发绩效过程中的知识转移机制。研究结果表明:①信息共享、责任行为和人际互动对新服务开发绩效均有显著正向影响。②知识转移内容和效率对新服务开发绩效均有显著正向影响。③知识转移内容和知识转移效率之间的平衡对新服务开发绩效具有显著负向影响。④知识转移内容和效率在信息共享和责任行为对新服务开发绩效影响中起到部分中介作用,而在人际互动对新服务开发绩效影响中起到完全中介作用。最后,本文对其中六家典型信息服务企业采取跨案例研究法进行验证性分析,以提高研究结果的实践指导意义。 With the survey on 183 information service enterprises, this paper empirically studies the mechanism of knowledge transfer in the process that customer enterprise participation influences the new service development performance. The result shows:①Information sharing, responsible behavior and interpersonal interaction all have significant positive effects on new service development performance. ②Knowledge transfer content and knowledge transfer efficiency both have significant positive effects on new service development performance. ③ The interaction between knowledge transfer content and knowledge transfer efficiency negatively affects new service development performance. ④Knowledge transfer content and knowledge transfer efficiency play partial meditation effects between Information sharing, responsible behavior and new service development performance, but play complete meditation effects between interpersonal interaction and new service development performance. Finally, this paper takes the multi-case study method for confirmatory analysis based on six typical information service enterprises, in order to improve the practical guiding significance for the results.
作者 高孟立
出处 《情报学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期146-158,共13页 Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information
基金 浙江省科技计划软科学重点基金项目"浙江KIBS企业服务创新能力提升机理及对策研究:外部创新氛围视角"(项目编号:2016C25040) 国家社会科学基金项目"知识共创视角下的顾客在线参与新服务开发研究"(项目编号:14BGL197) 浙江省自然科学基金项目"顾客在线参与服务创新氛围及其对顾客创造力的影响研究(项目编号:LY15G020004)"研究成果之一
关键词 客户企业参与 知识转移内容 知识转移效率 新服务开发绩效 跨案例研究 customer enterprise participation, knowledge transfer content, knowledge transfer efficiency, new service
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