
带有Hardy和Sobolev-Hardy临界指标项的扰动椭圆方程的解 被引量:1

Positive Solutions of Perturbation Elliptic Equation Involving Hardy Potential and Critical Sobolev-Hardy Exponent
摘要 考虑如下带有Hardy和Sobolev-Hardy临界指标项的扰动椭圆方程这里2*(s)=(2(N-s))/(N-2)是Sobolev-Hardy临界指标,N≥3,λ∈R,0≤s<2,1<q<2*-1,0≤μ<u=((N-2)~2)/4,a(x)∈C(R^N).在|λ|足够小的情况下,应用临界点理论中的扰动方法来得到方程(0.1)正解的存在性.接下来考虑anisotropic椭圆方程b(x)∈C(R^N).在|λ|足够小的情况下,应用临界点理论中的扰动方法来得到方程(0.2)正解的存在性. In this paper, we are concerned with the following elliptic equation involving critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent {-△u-μu/|x|^2+λa(x)u^q=|u|^2*(s)^-2/|x|^su,x∈R^N,u〉0,u∈D^1,2(R^N), where 2^*(s)=(2(N-s))/(N-2) is the critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent,N≥3,λ∈R,0≤s〈2,1〈q〈2^*-1,0≤μ〈μ^-=(N-2)^2/4,a(x)∈C(R^N)We firstly use an abstract perturbation method in critical point theory to obtain the existence results of positive solutions of the equation for small value of |λ|. Secondly, we focus on an anisotropic elliptic equation of the form {-div[(1+λb(x))△u]+λa(x)u^q=μu/|x|^2+|u|^2*(s)-2/|x|^2u,x∈R^N, u〉0,u∈D^1,2(R^N), The same abstract method is used to yield existence result of positive solutions of the equation for small value of |λ|.
作者 张靖
出处 《数学物理学报(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期500-506,共7页 Acta Mathematica Scientia
基金 国客自然科学基金(11571187)~~
关键词 扰动方程 Sobolev-Hardy临界指标 正解 Perturbed Critical Sobolev-Hardy Exponent Positive Solution.
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