Within the time of three centuries,starting with the withdrawal of Emperor Tokhontomor to Mongolian steppe in the year of 1368 ending with Galdan's death in 1697,Mongolian feudalist lords both from the east,who were descendants from Genghis Khan,and from the west,descendants from the other families,continued to have prolonged strife among themselves for the throne,unification and defense against foreign invasion.One of the most influential consequences of that was the successive conquests of,and immigration into,Khoh'nuur region,by two different Mongolic peoples:Tumed and Khoshuud.Although Khoh'nuur Region was not the key point in the struggles between the two parties,it was the very region through which Altan Khan introduced Tibetan Buddhism and G(u| ')(u|')sh Khan founded Khoshuud Khanate.And these two events had profound,far-reaching influence on both Mongolian and Tibetan peoples.In this paper,we took the struggles between two Mongolian groups as background to discuss about the causes and historical impacts of successive conquests of Khoh'nuur Region by the two Mongolian tribes;Turned and Khoshuud.
Journal of the Western Mongolian Studies