
需求视阈下旅游公共服务的内涵和形成机制 被引量:3

摘要 旅游公共服务建设是旅游产业结构调整优化的背景下提升旅游产业竞争力的重要国家战略。目前,相关研究主要停留在旅游公共服务的供给模式和体系构建上,鲜有研究能从游客"真实"的公共服务需求角度去审视现有的供给体系。本文运用扎根理论的质性研究方法,探索了需求视阈下旅游公共服务的内涵、要素和形成机制,理清了关键服务接触点和要素的相互关系,为下一步需求测度和量表开发提供了依据,同时发现问题的关键不在于公共服务要素的缺失,而在于各要素的衔接是否顺畅,据此提出应以服务协同作为游客旅游公共服务满意实现的重要保障。研究有助于丰富旅游公共服务研究的理论体系,也为我国现代旅游公共服务体系的完善和优化提供有益的启示。 The building of tourism public service is an important national strategy to promote tourism industry competitiveness under the background of the structural optimization of tourism industry. At present, the relative study is mainly on supply mode and system construction, and few studies examine the existing supply system from the perspective of tourists' real pubhc service demands. This paper uses qualitative research method of the grounded theory to analyze the behavior characteristics and demands of tourists to explain the connotation, factors and formation mechanism of the tourism public service under the perspective of requirements, and clarifies the relationship of critical service encounter moments and the elements, pro- viding the basis for the demand measure in the next step. It also finds out that the key problem does not lie in the lack of public service elements, but whether the elements of cohesion is smooth, thus putting forward the service collaboration as the important guarantee for realizing tourists' traveling public service satisfaction. It is helpful to enrich the theoretical sys- tem of the tourism public service and also provides the beneficial reference for the perfection of the modern tourism public service system in our country.
作者 蒋婷 张峰
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2016年第6期164-170,共7页 Enterprise Economy
基金 山东省社会科学规划项目"基于服务接触的旅游公共服务体系构建 优化与评价研究"(项目编号:12DGLZ03) 山东省社会科学规划项目"发展家庭休闲农场加快推进山东传统农业向现代农业转型升级研究"(项目编号:13CGLZ01) 济南大学博士基金项目"基于员工视角的游客间互动行为研究"(项目编号:B1404)
关键词 旅游公共服务 服务需求 游客感知 tourism public service service requirement tourist perception
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