
基于超短基线的AUV自主对接流程及算法 被引量:10

Autonomous Abutting Joint Flow and Control Algorithm for AUV Based on Ultra-short Baseline
摘要 自主式水下航行器(AUV)自身携带能源有限,需要在完成一段任务后自主航行至水下基站与其对接。文中分析了目前对接基站的现状,针对包容式基站,在分析对接工作原理的基础上,提出了一种基于超短基线信息的对接流程:首先根据导引信息和到对接基站的距离不同,将AUV自主对接分为远程、中程、近程和末程4个阶段;其次详细分析了每个阶段的工作特点、对接流程和控制算法;最后通过在VS2008中的数学仿真和搭载AUV开展湖上试验,验证了对接流程和控制算法的可行性。仿真和试验结果均表明,该AUV自主对接控制流程和算法稳定可靠,具有良好的工程应用前景。 Because of the energy carried by an autonomous underwater vehicle(AUV) is limited, the AUV has to autonomously navigate to underwater base station after finishing a task. This paper analyzes current situation of the underwater base station, especially analyzes the abutting joint principle of the subsumption station, and proposes an abutting joint flow based on ultra-short baseline. Firstly, according to different guidance information and the distance between AUV and abutting joint station, autonomous abutting joint process of an AUV is divided into four phases, i.e. long-range phase, middle-range phase, short-range phase and end-range phase. Secondly, characteristics, working flow and control algorithm of every autonomous abutting joint phase are analyzed in detail. Finally, these control algorithms are simulated via VS2008, and the AUV is tested in a lake. The results show that the proposed autonomous abutting joint flow and algorithm are feasible, and they may have a good prospect in engineering applications.
出处 《鱼雷技术》 2016年第3期166-171,共6页 Torpedo Technology
关键词 自主式水下航行器(AUV) 对接流程 对接算法 超短基线(USBL) 水下基站 autonomous underwater vehicle(AUV) abutting joint flow abutting joint algorithm ultra-short baseline(USBL) underwater base station
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