
ECM和时序像似性与翻译实践:认知翻译学探索之十一 被引量:21

ECM & Iconicity of Temporal Sequence in Translation:The 11^(th) Paper on Cognitive Translatology Exploration
摘要 认知语言学中的"事件域认知模型"可较好地解释认知规律和语言成因,它同样适用于研究翻译过程,因为翻译活动就是将译出语所描述的事件域映射入译入语之中的过程。人们凭借体认原则来识解源语句所述事件域中的成分要素及其关系,将其再现于译入语。但汉英两语言在组织成分要素及其关系的顺序上有同也有异:"同",是因为两民族都有相同或相似的事件域经验;"异",是因为汉语主要属于临摹式语言,时序像似性较为显著;而英语主要属于蒙太奇式语言,时序像似性不突出。因此在汉英互译(特别是处理英语长句)时,就应当在事件域总体框架中按照时序关系适当调整成分要素及其关系的顺序。 "Event-domain Cognitive Model (ECM)" in Cognitive Linguistics can be used to better explain cognitive rules and language formation, and it is also suitable for the research on translating process, for the translation activity can be regarded as the process of the event-domain in source language being pro- jected into target language. The elements and their relationship in the former are construed by means of Embodiment-cognition Principle, then they are represented in the latter. But the sequence of elements and their relationship within the event-domain in Chinese and English is of both common and different type. They are common because both nations have the same or similar experiences. They are different because Chinese mainly belongs to "copying" type with the iconicity of temporal sequence being prominent, while English mainly belongs to "Montage" type with this iconicity not being prominent. Therefore in our translation between these two languages, especially in the case of English long sentences, the holistic frame of event-domain should be taken into consideration, and the sequence of its elements and their relationship should be adjusted according to temporal sequence.
作者 王寅
出处 《山东外语教学》 2016年第3期3-11,共9页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
关键词 认知语言学 认知翻译学 事件域认知模型 时序像似性 Cognitive Linguistics Cognitive Translatology ECM Iconicity of Temporal Sequence
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