通过研究生活垃圾的基本组成及性质,从作业实际情况入手,重点分析了作业过程恶臭控制情况和漂浮物控制实际情况,并对作业及工艺流程进行整体评估。同时,对生活垃圾填埋作业过程中存在的问题,提出了解决方法。结果表明,在填埋的原生垃圾中,厨余垃圾和纸类垃圾的有机质含量均在95%以上,果皮和清扫垃圾的有机质含量也在80%左右,而生活垃圾有机质平均含量为55%。经降解后的矿化垃圾有机质含量较低,仅为26%左右。采用卸料、摊铺、碾压、日覆盖、造坡、封场关键技术,可按时、按量、按质地完成每日生活垃圾的填埋作业,对周边环境影响较小。设置3 m高的拦网,能有效对正在作业区域的周边起到漂浮物防护的作用。
According to study the basic composition and properties of domestic waste, we focused on analyzing stench and floater control situation in actual operation, and evaluated the overall operation and process. The solutions of the problems existing in domestic waste landfill operation were proposed. Results showed that, for the native landfill waste, the contents of organic matter in kitchen waste and paper waste were above 95%, as for peel and cleaning waste were about 80%, and the aver- age contents of organic matter in domestic waste were 55%. After the degradation of mineralized waste, the contents of organic matter were low, only about 26%. Employing the key technologies of unloading, paving, rolling, daily cover, construction of slope and closure can guarantee timely and quality completion of daily waste landfill operation, and have less impact on sur- rounding environment. Setting 3 meters high blocking network in the landfill operation can effectively control and protect sur- rounding floats.
Environmental Sanitation Engineering
domestic waste
daily operation