
科研人员电子资源需求调查分析 被引量:8

The Survey and Analysis on Researchers' Demand of Electronic Resources
摘要 [目的/意义]通过分析科研人员对电子资源的需求状况,以期从用户视角为研究型图书馆制定合理的电子资源发展策略提供数据支持和参考依据。[方法/过程]运用问卷调查方法分析电子环境下科研人员对电子资源的使用现状、使用偏好及影响因素、发展预期与建议等内容。[结果/结论]调查结果表明:当前科研人员对电子资源的依赖程度很高,且使用呈现出新特点,如符合"二八"定律、使用渠道多元化、依赖商业搜索引擎、关注开放获取资源和资源共享服务等;科研人员对电子资源的使用偏好受科研人员类型、资源类型以及电子资源本身优劣势的影响而存在差异;科研人员对"纯电子时代的到来"呈谨慎乐观态度,但普遍认为电子资源建设会对图书馆行业产生颠覆性变革与影响。调查所选取的样本数据质量较高、调查过程控制严格,数据处理和分析科学严谨、调查结果真实可信。 [ Purpose/significance] Through the analysis of researchers' demand of electronic resources in the electronic environment, we want to provide data support and scientific references to formulate the development strategy of the electronic resources from the perspective of the library users. [ Method/process ] We used the questionnaire survey method to analyze the researchers' demand of electronic resources in the electronic environment, including the use situation, the use preference and influence factors, expectation and suggestions, etc. [ Result/conclusion] We have three findings. Firstly ,the current scientific research is very dependent on electronic resources and there are many new characteristics in using electronic resources, including complying with the 80/20 Rule, using many channels, relying on commercial search engines, attaching importance to the open access resources and resource sharing services, etc. Secondly, the researchers' use preference is affected by the type of the researchers, the types of resources and the electronic resources' advantages and disadvantages. Thirdly, the researchers have cautious optimism about the advent of the "pure electronic" era, but almost all of them believe that the electronic resource development will disruptively change and influence the library industry. The survey has the sample data of high quality, the survey process has been strictly controlled, and the data processing and analysis have been implemented scientifically. Therefore, the results of the survey are considered to be authentic.
作者 孔青青
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期47-54,共8页 Library and Information Service
基金 国家社会科学青年基金项目"研究型图书馆电子资源优先策略研究"(项目编号:CTQ010)研究成果之一
关键词 研究型图书馆 图书馆用户 需求电子资源 需求科研人员 信息需求 research libraries library users the demand of electronic resources researchers' demand information demand
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