采用高效液相色谱法测定黔东南州不同产地绞股蓝中芦丁的含量。色谱柱(Diamonsil C18,5μl,150×4.6mm迪马公司生产),流动相:甲醇-1%冰醋酸(40∶60),检测波长:257nm,柱温:30℃,流速:1.0ml/min;以芦丁为含测指标测定绞股蓝中芦丁含量。绞股蓝中芦丁在0.204 892μg^1.229 352μg范围内呈良好的线性关系,回归方程y=2 205.5x+25.711,R2=0.999 5,平均加样回收率为103.07%,RSD%为1.7%。不同产地绞股蓝中芦丁含量在1.152 8~1.433 2mg/g之间。黔东南州不同产地绞股蓝中芦丁含量的差异不大。
By using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)method, the content of rutin from different origin gynostemma is determined in qiandongnan, chromatographic column( Diamonsil C18,5 mu 1,150×4.6 mm made in di company), mobile phase : methanol - 1% glacial acetic acid ( 40 : 60), detection wavelength : 257 nm, column temperature : 30 ℃, the flow rate : 1.0 ml / rain. As the rutin index, the content of rutin in gynostemm is de- termined. The rutin in gynostemma in the range of 0. 204 892 μg -1. 229 352 μg has a good linear relationship, and the regression equation is y= 2 205.5+25. 711x,R2 = 0. 999 5. The average sample recovery rate is 103.07 %,and the RSD % is 1.7 %. The Rutin content in gynostemma in different regions is 1. 1530 mg / g - 1. 433 7 mg/ g. The difference of the rutin content in different origin gynostemma of Qiandongnan prefecture is not big.
Guizhou Science
Qiandongnan gynostemma production
high performance liquid chromatography