
基于三种尺寸L-Bridge单元的超宽带电磁带隙结构 被引量:2

Ultra-Wideband Electromagnetic Band-Gap Structure Based on Three-Size L-Bridge Units
摘要 通过把3种不同尺寸的L-bridge单元进行组合,在多层PCB板的电源层上,设计了一种新的多周期平面型超宽带电磁带隙(Electromagnetic Band Gap,EBG)结构,可用于抑制数字电路系统中的同步开关噪声(Simultaneous Switching Noise,SSN)。利用HFSS软件对该EBG结构进行了建模和仿真,并在仿真基础上制作了电路实物,实测与仿真结果吻合良好。组合结构EBG比传统L-bridge EBG的阻带宽度有明显提高,当抑制深度为-40 d B时,具有从0.8 GHz到9.5 GHz的超宽带阻带特性。 With the combination of three different size L-bridge units,a novel multi-period planar ultra-wideband EBG structure was designed on the power layer of the multilayer PCB,which can be used to suppress the simultaneous switching noise in the digital circuit system. The structure of the EBG was modeled and simulated by using the electromagnetic simulation software HFSS. On the basis of simulation,the realistic EBG structure was fabricated. The measurement results are well consistent with the simulation ones. The stop band width of combined-structure EBG is improved significantly when compared with traditional L-bridge EBG. When the inhibition of depth is set to-40 d B,the new EBG structure exhibits an ultra-wideband stop-band characteristics from 0. 8 GHz to 9. 5 GHz.
出处 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期82-85,共4页 Journal of Microwaves
基金 国家自然科学基金(61171039)
关键词 电磁带隙 多周期 同步开关噪声 L桥 electromagnetic band-gap(EBG) multi-period simultaneous switching noise(SSN) L-bridge
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