针对水塔、高位水箱等传统供水方式出现的诸如水压不足、峰时水量供不应求等弊端,提出了一种基于Lon Works总线和变频恒压技术的智能建筑给水系统设计方案.设计选用TH-BA1108 DDC控制器为系统控制核心,借助液位传感器实时监测水箱水位变化,通过压力传感器监测水箱内部压力大小,再通过变频器实现对给水泵的变频启动与运行控制;运用Lon Maker软件和力控组态软件分别完成了底层控制网络和上位机监控程序设计,最终实现整个变频恒压给水系统的搭建.经过实际测试表明,系统具有运行稳定、可靠性高等优势.
According to the drawbacks of water tower, water tank and other traditional water supply modes such as insufficient water pressure, peak water shortage etc. , a design scheme of intelligent building water supply system based on LonWorks bus and variable frequency and constant pressure technology is presented. DDC TH-BA1108 controller is used as the core of the control system, the level change of water tank can be monitored real time by liquid level sensor, and the internal pressure of the tank can also be monitored by pressure sensors. What's more, the conversion of variable frequency starting and operation control of feed water pump is realized by inverter. The bottom control network and PC monitoring program are designed by the LonMaker software and the force control configuration software separately. Finally, the con-struction of the whole variable frequency constant pressure water supply system is realized. Af- ter a practical testing, it indicates this system has the advantages of stable operation and high reliability.
Journal of Xi’an University(Natural Science Edition)
安徽省高校优秀青年人才支持计划重点项目(gxyq ZD2016438)