
长效避孕药具的研发进展 被引量:7

An overview of long-acting contraceptives and devices
摘要 发展中国家和发达国家的意外妊娠率居高不下,相当一部分女性的避孕需求未获满足。长效避孕药具主要包括皮下埋植剂、宫内节育器、阴道环、注射剂和透皮制剂5种。相比短效避孕法而言,长效避孕药具无需每天服药,一次给药后药物在体内缓慢恒定释放,维持长效、高效避孕效果,能提高使用者的依从性和满意度,大幅度降低意外怀孕。本文对已上市及临床在研的上述长效避孕药具的研究概况进行回顾和总结,以期为在研品种的进一步开发、未来新型长效避孕制剂的引入及现有产品的更好应用提供思路。 Both developing and developed countries suffer from high rates of unintended pregnancies,and a considerable portion of the women's contraceptive needs is not satisfied. Current long-acting contraceptives and devices mainly consist of subcutaneous impalnts,intrauterine devices,vaginal rings,contraceptive injections,and transdermal delivery systems. Compared with short-acting contraceptive methods,long-acting contraceptives and devices can maintain a slow and constant release rate after once administration,thus producing sustained effectiveness,which improve the compliance and satisfaction of women and reduce unwanted pregnancies substantially. This paper reviews and summarizes the long-acting contraceptives and devices which are either marketed or still under clinical trials,to provide ideas for further development of the products under research,introduction of noval long-acting contraceptives,and better application of the existing products.
出处 《中国新药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期1370-1377,共8页 Chinese Journal of New Drugs
基金 上海市卫生和计划生育委员会科研课题资助项目(201540357) 十二五国家科技支撑计划(2012BAI31B02) 上海市人才发展资金资助项目(201463)
关键词 长效避孕 皮下埋植剂 宫内节育器 阴道环 注射剂 透皮给药系统 long-acting contraceptive subcutaneous impalnts intrauterine devices vaginal rings contraceptive injections transdermal delivery systems
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