
温度作用对碳纤维-混凝土界面黏结性能的影响 被引量:16

Temperature Effect on Bond Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer to Concrete Interface
摘要 为研究温度作用对碳纤维(CFRP)—混凝土黏结界面剪切性能的影响,首先进行了温度作用下不同固化条件的胶黏剂黏结性能试验,研究了温度作用及固化方式对胶黏剂拉伸剪切性能的影响.试验发现,玻璃化温度是影响胶黏剂高温性能的一个重要指标,温度作用下胶黏剂材料的黏结性能退化大部分发生在其玻璃化转变区域.其次,结合常温下已有的CFRP—混凝土界面黏结应力—滑移关系提出了温度作用下界面黏结应力—滑移关系的计算方法.最后,汇总和分析了目前已有的CFRP—混凝土界面试验研究结果,引入胶黏剂玻璃化温度这一参数,给出了温度作用下CFRP—混凝土界面剪切黏结强度、极限承载力和初始剪切刚度计算模型. In order to study the effect of ambient temperature on bond behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP)-to-concrete joints at high temperatures, structural adhesives with different curing schedules were tested at different temperatures, and the shear performances of adhesive were investigated in the aspects of strength and stiffness. It was concluded that the glass transition temperature of the adhesive plays an important role for the bond behavior at high temperatures. When the temperature was near the glass transition temperature, bond behavior of structural adhesive has suffered a serious drop. Further, based on the bond-slip relationship of FRP to concrete bonded joints at normal temperature, a simple calculation method was brought to derive the two-parameter bond-slip relationship at high temperature. Considering the effect of glass transition temperature, normalized relational models for bond strength, the ultimate load and initial stiffness at high temperature are presented.
出处 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期845-852,共8页 Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(51478362)
关键词 碳纤维 混凝土 界面黏结行为 温度作用 玻璃化温度 carbon fiber reinforced polymer concrete interfacial bond behavior temperature effect glass transition temperature
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