
美国《1965年外来移民与国籍法修正案》探析 被引量:2

A Reappraisal of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
摘要 《1965年外来移民与国籍法修正案》作为20世纪美国最重要的移民法案之一,在美国的移民政策改革中具有承上启下的作用。该法案废除了1921年美国国会确立的带有歧视色彩的种族来源限额制度,代之以制度层面上更为公平的全球限额制度,为此前受种族主义和孤立主义影响的移民政策画上了句号,为之后的移民政策奠定了基调,在某种程度上开启了一个新的移民时代。该法案的颁布造成美国移民数量的激增和移民构成的变化,这一结果与法案的内容并无直接和必然的联系,甚至在某种程度上有悖于移民法改革派的初衷。准确理解《1965年外来移民与国籍法修正案》的"里程碑"意义,需要综合考虑该法案的象征意义与现实结果之间的复杂联系,全面考察该法案的制定与颁布过程及其内容和特点。 The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965,one of the most significant acts in the 20th-century United States,has had significant influence on subsequent U.S.immigration policies.The Act abolished the National Origin Formula established by the Congress in 1921,an American system of immigration quotas that had racial implications,and replaced it with a fairer system which brought an end to immigration influenced by racism and isolationism and set the foundation for future immigration policy-making.In a sense,it heralded a new era in American immigration reform.The Act resulted in dramatic population growth and shifted the ethnic composition,which,however,was not the stated goal of the Act itself.To some extent it was against the original intention of the immigration reform.
作者 闫行健
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期130-148,8,共19页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
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  • 1Roger Daniels, "The Immigration Act of 1965: Intended and Unintended Consequences of the 20th Century," in Roger Daniels et al. eds. , Historians on America (Washington :The U. S. Department of State Publication,2008 ), p. 76.
  • 2美国国土安全局官网(历史图书馆),网址:http://www.uscis.gov/history-and-genealogy/historical-library/our-collection/general-collection.
  • 3Roger Daniels, Guarding the Golden Door :American Immigration Policy and Immigrants since 1882 ( New York : Hill & Wang Pub. , 2004 ).
  • 4Roger Daniels, Coming to America :A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in America Life ( New York : Harper Perennial,2002).
  • 5William McGowan, The 1965 Immigration Reforms and The New York Times: Context, Coverage, and Long- Term Consequences ( Washington : Center for Immigration Studies ,2008 ).
  • 6David M. Reimers, "An Unintended Re- form: The 1965 Immigration Act and Third World Immigration to the United States," Journal of American Ethnic History, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Fall, 1983), pp. 9 -28.
  • 7Edward M. Kennedy, "The Immigration Act of 1965 ,"Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 367 (Sep. , 1966), pp. 137 - 149.
  • 8Richard Alba and Victor Nee, Remaking the American Mainstream: Assimilation and Contemporary Immigration( Cambridge: Harvard University Press,2003 ).
  • 9Frank D. Bean and Gillian Stevens, America's New- comers: Immigrant Incorporation and the Dynamics of Diversity ( New York: Russell Sage Foundation ,2003 ).
  • 10Roger Daniels, Debating American Immigration 1882- Present( Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001 ), p. 5.










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