

A coarse grain reconfigurable SoC design method based on architecture template
摘要 针对传统的面向应用领域的多核SoC体系结构设计方法存在系统结构探索空间大、设计复杂度高等问题,提出了一种基于体系结构模板的粗粒度可重构SoC系统架构设计方法。该设计方法以体系结构设计为中心,体系结构模板可重用、参数可配置,从而缩小了体系结构设计探索空间,提高了体系结构设计效率,降低了应用程序编译器开发复杂性。最后,以密码处理领域为例,将模板参数实例化,构建了一个面向密码处理领域的多核可重构指令集处理器SoC系统(Multi-RISP SoC)。实验结果表明,MultiRISP SoC系统与几个典型可重构平台在性能上相当,但系统构建更为快速高效。 Since the traditional design methods of MPSoC have large design exploration space and high design complexity, we propose a coarse grain reconfigurable SoC design method based on architec- ture template. The architecture template can be reused, and its parameters can be configured, so the method can reduce the design exploration space, and improve the design efficiency and computational performance. The design templates are instantiated, and a cryptographic application-specific multi- reconfigurable instruction sets processor SoC(Multi-RISP SoC) is constructed. Experimental results show that the performance of the Multi-RISP SoC is equivalent to several typical reconfigurable plat- forms, but its system is more efficient.
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期1071-1077,共7页 Computer Engineering & Science
基金 国家863计划(2014AA01A704) 国家自然科学基金创新群体项目(61521003)
关键词 体系结构模板 多核SoC系统体系结构 粗粒度可重构SoC architecture template multi-core SoC system architecture coarse grain reconfigurable SoC
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