[目的]调查分析医疗工作者职业倦怠的现状。[方法]采用Maslach倦怠量表-服务行业版问卷对186名医务人员进行调查,利用SPSS 8.0做数据分析。[结果]94.08%的被调查者表现出情绪衰竭的现象,有95.16%的被调查者有不同程度的去人格化现象,有83.87%的被调查者在工作中的个人成就感比较低。护士的职业倦怠的程度比较明显;年龄在41~50周岁的医务人员的去人格化现象严重,表现出比较严重的情感疏离;在医务人员群体中,个人成就感最低的人群是具有本科学历的人员,但是,职业倦怠各个维度中情绪衰竭最严重的是本科学历以下的医务人员,去人格化在硕士学历的医务人员中的表现比其他学历的更严重。[结论]该医院医务人员的职业倦怠程度十分严重,需要各方高度重视。
Objective To take a knowledge on medical staffs job burnout status in Hebei. Methods 186 medical staffs were investigated by the Maslach burnout Inventory - Human Service Survey ( MBI - HSS) , and then using SPSS to analyze data. Results There were 94.08% of the respondents showed emotional exhaustion, 95.16% of the respondents had different degree of de - personification, and 83.87% of respondents was in lower personal accomplishment at work. Job burnout of nurses was obviously. The medical staffs whose age between 41 and 50 years old were more de - personification, showed serious emotional distance. The medical staffs of bachelor's degrees hadve the lowest personal accom- plishment. The medical staffs of master's degrees bade the most serious de - personification in staff burnout. The staffs who under the bachelor's degrees are most serious in emotional exhaustion. Conclusions Job burnout degree of this hospital's staffs are very serious, and it needs to cause the attention of managers.
Soft Science of Health
medical staffs, job burnout, status