
台州市黄岩区气传真菌孢子散布规律与气象因素关系 被引量:1

Correlation between distribution of air-borne fungi spore and climate in Huangyan district of Taizhou city
摘要 目的探讨浙江省台州市黄岩区气传真菌孢子的散布规律及其与气象因素之间的关系,为防治气传真菌引起的过敏性变态反应疾病提供参考依据。方法在浙江省台州市黄岩区采用连续24 h曝片法收集2012年9月1日—2013年08月31日气传真菌样品,并记录每日气象资料,分析气传真菌孢子的散布与季节、天气变化的消长规律。结果共收集曝片336片,检出真菌孢子60余种共13 822个,其中黑孢子菌检出数最多(31.42%),其次为芽枝菌(23.66%)和毛霉菌(21.83%);3—10月空气中漂浮的真菌孢子较多,并呈双峰分布,3—5月和7—9月为高峰期;春季、夏季、秋季和冬季空气中检出真菌孢子数分别为(1 705.41±303.28)、(1 384.71±242.14)、(760.44±109.24)和(221.35±60.46)个,4个季节真菌孢子数差异有统计学意义(F=900.634,P<0.001);日均气温<15℃时,空气中真菌孢子数量随温度升高增量明显,≥15℃真菌孢子数量逐渐趋于稳定;风速与气传真菌孢子数量存在反向增长的关系;气传真菌孢子数随着降雨量的增大呈现出先增多而后减少的趋势。结论气传真菌孢子在空气中广泛存在,其数量与气温、风速和降雨量等气象因素有关。 Objective To analyze the relationship between the characteristics of airborne fungi spores distribution and meteorological factors in Huuangyan district of Taizhou city in Zhejiang province, and to provide references for pre- vention of airborne fungi-related allergic diseases. Methods The airborne bacteria samples were collected with 24-hour continuous exposure sheet from September 1,2012 to August 31,2013 in Huangyan district and dally meteorological data were collected;the correlation between changes in airborne fungi spores and weather conditions was analyzed. Results Totally 336 exposed sheets were collected and 13 822 spores of 60 kinds of fungus were identified from the samples. Of the fungi identified, 31.42% were black spores; 23.66% were Cladosporium fungus; and 21.83 % were Mucor species. Two peaks for the distribution of airborne fungal spores were observed during March to May and April to September, with higher airborne fungal spore distribution from March to October in a year. There was a significant seasonal difference in the number of airborne fungal spores detected ( F =900. 634 ,P =0. 0000), with the numbers of 1705.41± 303.28 in the spring,1384. 71 ±242. 14 in the summer,760. 44±109. 24 in the autumn,and 221.35±60.46 in the winter,respectively. The number of airborne fungal spores increased significantly with the increment of dally average temperature when the temperature under 15 degree Celsius and the number tended to be stable when the dally average temperature ≥ 15 degree Celsius;the number was inversely correlated with wind speed and the number increased first and then decreased with the increment of rainfall. Conclusion The airborne fungi spores distribute extensively in the ambient air and the number of fungi spores in the air relates with meteorological factors such as temperature, wind speed, and rainfall.
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期845-847,共3页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 台州市黄岩区科技局项目[2012038(4)]
关键词 真菌孢子 散布规律 气象因素 关系 fungi spore distribution characteristics meteorological factor relationship
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