休斯敦大歌剧院(Houston Grand Opera)四年来的"《尼伯龙根的指环》马拉松"在今年完成了四分之三——完全自由不受神的意志所干扰的英雄《齐格弗里德》终于现身。《齐格弗里德》是指环神话其中的一环,故事和音乐有其连续性,尤其是瓦格纳的所谓"主导动机"把人物关系紧密联系在一起。
Houston Grand Opera continues its four-year journey in presenting Wagner's Ring.For its third annual installment,Jay Hunter Morris played the daunting role of the young hero as an impetuous and fearless teenager.His voice,more lyrical than heroic,was nonetheless a valiant one that sustained its mettle until the very end.Christine(ioerke was a radiant Hriinnhikle,while Iain Paterson's Wanderer showed enough authority even when he knew his reign was coming to its end.The young Filipino-American Rodell Rosel was a surprisingly moving Mime,who demonstrated real affection in bringing up the orphaned Siegfried.