
试析欧盟及其成员国对“外籍战士”威胁的反应 被引量:5

An Analysis on the Responses of the EU and Its Member States to “Foreign Fighters”
摘要 "外籍战士"并非某种新现象,但近年来发生于中东的战乱吸引大量"外籍战士"参与,尤其是来自欧盟成员国的"外籍战士"。国际社会也日益关注"外籍战士"回归后对其国籍所属国安全构成的威胁。2014年9月,联合国安理会第2178号决议将"外籍战士"现象视为某种国际恐怖主义威胁,欧盟及其成员国也将应对"外籍战士"现象视为其反恐斗争的新领域。本文首先借助有关"外籍战士"研究的学术成果,从理论上探讨"外籍战士"如何成为国际恐怖主义威胁,以及如何应对此类威胁。以此为基础,本文进一步考察欧盟及其成员国对"外籍战士"威胁的认识,以及它们为应对"外籍战士"采取的举措,最后简要评价这些措施的有效性及其在实施中遭遇的困境。 The emergence of 'Foreign Fighters' is not a new phenomenon.However,in recent years,a number of foreign fighters,many of whom come from the EU member states,have taken part in the civil wars in the Middle East,especially in the region across the borders of Syria and Iraq.The international society has increasingly focused on the threat the 'foreign fighters' could pose to the security of their states of residence or nationality after they return from the Middle East.In September 2014,the UN Security Council passed Resolution 2178 which condemned the 'Foreign Fighters' as a phenomenon of international terrorism.The EU and its member states have also regarded combating the 'Foreign Fighters' as a new dimension of their fight against terrorism.Based on a review of the literature on 'Foreign Fighters',this paper firstly explores theoretically how a foreign fighter could evolve into a terrorist or extremist and become some threat to his or her homeland.After that,this paper further discusses how the EU and its member states assess the threat the 'Foreign Fighters' may pose to their security and what kinds of measures have been taken thus far.Finally,this paper evaluates briefly the effects of these measures and the dilemma that the EU and its member states will meet while implementing the measures.
作者 张帆
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期52-76,6,共25页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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  • 3David Malet, Transnational Identity in Civil Conflicts, Oxford University Press, 2009, p.9.
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  • 5Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn and Edwin Bakker, "Returning Western Foreign Fighters : The Case of Afghani- stan, Bosnia and Somalia", ICCT Background Note, June 2014, pp.9-10.
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  • 7Daniel Byman and Jeremy Shapiro, "Be Afraid, Be A Little Afraid : The Threat of Terrorism from Western For- eign Fighters in Syria and Iraq", Brookings Foreign Policy Paper, No. 34, November 2014, p.1.
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  • 10Daniel Byman and Jeremy Shapiro, "Be Afraid, Be A Little Afraid : The Threat of Terrorism from Western For- eign Fighters in Syria and Iraq", p.6.











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