

British Cultural Marxism and its Theoretical Value
摘要 英国文化马克思主义属于马克思主义的范畴,同时继承和批判了西方马克思主义的文化批判和社会批判方法,突出了大众文化主体的能动性,肯定了大众文化的反抗潜能。其目标是通过分析当代发达资本主义社会尤其是消费社会的大众文化,寻求适合当代社会的民主的和社会主义的政治。它实现了对唯物史观、传统历史学和文化理论以及其它理论传统的批判性继承,具有重要的理论价值。 British cultural Marxism is a category of Marxism. It critically inherits the method of cultural and social criticism used by Western Marxism, confirms the social body’ s agency and affirms the resistance potential of popular culture. Its goal is to pursue a democratic and socialist politics suitable for contemporary society through analyzing the popular culture in Modern developed capitalist country especially in consumer society. The significance of this paper is to develop the theoretical value of British cultural Marxism such as critically inheriting historical materialism, traditional history, cultural theory and some other theoretical traditions.
作者 李凤丹
出处 《南华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期34-38,共5页 Journal of University of South China(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"基于马克思主义文化哲学的国家文化安全问题研究"资助(编号:12CZX008) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目青年基金项目"英国文化马克思主义研究"资助(编号:10YJC720018) 国家留学基金地方合作项目资助(编号:留金法[2015]5104)
关键词 唯物史观 传统历史学 精英文化主义 经验主义 理性主义 historical materialism traditional history elite culturism empiricism rationalism
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