

Lipschitz Estimate of Littlewood-Paley Operator and Commutator
摘要 本文应用变指标Herz型Hardy空间上的原子分解定理,证明了由Littlewood-Paley算子和Lipschitz函数生成的交换子在变指标Herz型Hardy空间上的有界性. By using the atomic decomposition characterizations of Herz-type Hardy spaces with variable exponent,some boundedness of the commutators generated by Littlewood-Paley operators and Lipschitz functions on the Herz-type Hardy spaces with variable exponent is obtained.
出处 《淄博师专学报》 2016年第2期45-48,共4页 Journal of Zibo Normal College
关键词 LITTLEWOOD-PALEY算子 交换子 HERZ型HARDY空间 变指标 LIPSCHITZ估计 Littlewood-Paley operator commutator Herz-type Hardy space variable exponent Lipschitz estimate
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