

The Research of Quality Control of Contributor Identifier System
摘要 构建科学合理的责任者唯一标识符质量保障体系是增强质量意识,认识到质量控制在责任者标识符系统中占有重要地位的表现。本文在调研现有标识符系统质量管理研究的基础上,提出构建责任者唯一标识符系统质量保障体系的建议,包括树立全面质量管理责任和意识、开展常态化质量监控和评估,以及执行合作化的质量管理模式。 The construction of scientific and rational contributor identifier is the performance of enhancing quality awareness,and recognizes that quality control play an important role in contributor identifier system.Based on the study of the quality management of the existing identifier systems,this paper proposes to build the quality assurance system of contributor identifier system,including establishing comprehensive quality responsibility and consciousness,carrying out normalized quality monitoring and evaluation,and conducting cooperative model of quality management.
出处 《图书馆工作与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期77-82,共6页 Library Work and Study
关键词 责任者唯一标识符 人名识别 质量控制 质量保障体系 Contributor identifier Name disambiguation Quality control Quality assurance system
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