

A Study on Distribution and Regular Pattern of Organic Carbon in Various Organs of Mulched Phyllostachys praecox Clone System Stands in Shooting Period
摘要 为探索雷竹克隆系统笋期有机碳转移变化规律,选定覆盖雷竹林地中分株数分别为单株、双株、三株的雷竹克隆系统,测定出笋期不同克隆系统内分株各器官的有机碳含量。研究结果:单株、双株、三株雷竹克隆系统中,各器官有机碳含量出笋前大小依次为:枝、鞭、叶、茎、根,出笋完成有机碳含量大小依次为:茎、鞭、叶、枝、根;雷竹不同器官有机碳含量在出笋期发生显著变化,其中枝、叶、鞭、茎有机碳含量呈先下降后上升趋势,根有机碳含量呈"N"型变化规律;单株、多株系统各器官有机碳含量降幅与出笋量成反比。这些结果表明:出笋期各器官有机碳含量发生显著变化,出笋影响雷竹各个器官有机碳分配格局,出笋完成与出笋前相比枝有机碳含量降低,其他器官则升高;出笋期各器官间有机质资源发生转移,各器官间源-汇关系发生变化,为出笋生长提供所需有机质;不同分株系统各器官有机碳含量降幅不同,随分株数量及出笋量增加,各器官有机碳含量降幅减小。 Organic matter plays an important part of the survival of plant and ponent of plant organic assimilates.In order to explored the distribution and regular carbon is an important compattern of organic carbon in various organs of mulched Phyllostachys praecox clone system stands in the shooting period, in the present work,the various organ carbon contents of different strains of P. praecox clone system in the shooting period were measured.The results showed that the carbon contents of various organs of P. praecox strains had signifi cant differences, the carbon contents of various organs before the shooting period were in the order: branch〉rhi- zome〉leaf〉stem〉root,and after the shooting completed:stem〉rhizome〉leaf〉branch〉root.The carbon contents had significant changes in different organs of branches, leaves, stems and rhizome had of P. praecox in the shooting period,in which the carbonaceous rate an upward trend after the first fall and the carbonaceous rate of root showed" N"type variation.The magnitude of the organic carbon content reducing and the amount of the shoots was inversely proportional between single strain system and multiple strains system.These findings are relatively preliminary ,but they have some potential implications.First ,the results suggest that the organic matter has shif- ted in various organs of P. praecox in the shooting period, the organic carbon content changes significantly in the shooting period, the organic carbon content in branch decreases and that in other organs increases compared with that before shooting.The amounts of organic carbon vary in different P. praecox systems.Second ,the rela- tionship between the sources and sinks of organic matter allocation pattern changes in different organs during the shooting period. Finally, with the increase of strains quantity and the amount of shoots, the magnitude of or- ganic carbon contents of various organs decline.Adjustment of the structure of P. praecox has some practical significance to improving the amount of shoots.
出处 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期426-432,439,共8页 Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis
基金 浙江省林业科技推广项目(2015B05) 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所基本科研业务费专项(RISF2016007)~~
关键词 雷竹 有机碳含量 克隆系统 Phyllostachys praecox organic carbon content clonal system
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