

Developing Circuitously:the Reform of Uniform Curriculum Standard in American
摘要 为了提高教育质量,美国在20世纪80年代末启动了制定统一课程标准的运动。从制定各学科课程的国家标准到出台共同核心州立标准,美国的统一课程标准改革曲折发展,不断深入;体现出了强调统一性与多样性,注重专业性与科学性的特点。这些经验对促进我国基础教育课程改革有着重要的借鉴价值。 From making national standards for subject courses to issuing the Common Core State Standards, the reform of uniform curriculum standard has been deepening in USA. The characteristics of the reform are to emphasize on unity and diversity, professional and scientific. The experiences have important referencing value for us to promote curriculum reform of basic education.
作者 张蓉
出处 《基础教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期86-91,共6页 Journal of Schooling Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"国际理解教育课程建设的国际比较研究"(项目批准号:15YJA880106) "江苏高校协同创新计划:基础教育人才培养模式协同创新中心"项目
关键词 美国 统一课程标准 国家标准 共同核心州立标准 USA uniform curriculum standard national standard the Common Core State Standards
  • 相关文献


  • 1National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies. Chapter 2-The Themes of Social Studies[ EB/OL] [ 2013-05-06 ]. http ://www. socialstudies, org/standards/strands.
  • 2New York State Education Department. Learning Standards for Social Studies (1996) [EB/OL] [2013-05-27]. http://www, p12. nysed, gov/ciai/socst/socstand/home, html.
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  • 5Common Core State Standards Initiative. An Open Letter from America's Great City School Superintendents, Chancellors and Chief Executive Officers in Support of the Common Core State Standards [ EB/OL] [ 2013-08-03 ]. http ://www. corestandards, org/assets/ kl 2_statements/Council- of- the- Great% 20City-Schools-Statement- of-Support, pdf.
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  • 7New York State Education Department. Common Core Implementa- tion Timeline[EB/OL] [2013-09-20]. http://www, engageny. org/sites/default/files/resouree/attachments/ccsstimeline, pdf.
  • 8Common Core State Standards Initiative. Common Core State Stand- ards for English Language arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science,and technical Subjects[ EB/OL] [2013-05-25 ]. http:// www. corestandards, org/assets/CCSSI_ELA% 20Standards. pdf.








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