
H-张量的迭代判定及其应用(英文) 被引量:4

New Iterative Criteria for H-tensors and an Application
摘要 H-张量在科学和工程实际中具有重要应用,但在实际中要判定H-张量是不容易的.通过构造不同的正对角阵,结合不等式的放缩技巧,给出一些比较实用的H-张量新判别方法.作为应用,给出判定偶数阶实对称张量正定性的条件,相应数值例子说明了结果的有效性. H-tensors have wide applications in science and engineering, but it is not easy to determine whether a given tensor is an H-tensor or not in practice. In this paper,we give some practical criteria for H-tensors by constructing different positive diagonal matrices and applying some techniques of inequalities. As an application, some sufficient conditions of the positive definiteness for an even-order real symmetric tensor are given.Advantages of results obtained are illustrated by numerical examples.
作者 王峰 孙德淑
出处 《应用数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期525-532,共8页 Mathematica Applicata
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11361074) the Foundation of Science and Technology Department of Guizhou Province([2015]7206) the Natural Science Programs of Education Department of Guizhou Province([2015]420) the Research Foundation of Guizhou Minzu University(15XRY004)
关键词 H-张量 对称张量 正定性 不可约 非零元素链 H-tensor Symmetric tensor Positive definiteness Irreducible Nonzero elements chain
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