

On the Current Status of Poverty Alleviation through Migration and the Promoting Strategy of Sustainable Finance in Poverty Stricken Area in China—— Evidence from Qinba Poverty Stricken Area
摘要 中国农村贫困问题一直是党和政府关注和着力解决的问题。迁移式扶贫作为一种适应中国特定国情的新型扶贫机制,倍受政府和学术界的关注。本文以秦巴连片特困区为例,通过分析该地区政府投入大量资金进行茶农迁移,但迁移后农户并未真正脱贫,当地特色产业的发展依然困难重重。本文探索可持续金融的介入迁移式扶贫对当地特色产业的可持续发展和农户脱贫的作用,并提出连片特困区可持续金融推动迁移式扶贫的对策建议。 The problem of rural poverty in China has been a big concern. As a new type of poverty alleviation mechanism, poverty alleviation through migration has been carried out adapting to China's specific national conditions, which has been paid much attention by the government and academia. This paper takes Qinba poverty stricken areas as an example. It analyzes the governments' transfer large amount of money for the farmers' migration, but the farmers remains poor after migration; and the development of local industry is still difficuh. This paper explores the effects of sustainable finance to promote the local industry development and the farmers' poverty alleviation, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for the sustainable finance to promote poverty alleviation through migration in poverty stricken area in China.
出处 《未来与发展》 2016年第6期95-99,94,共6页 Future and Development
基金 国家社科基金项目(编号13CJY077) 中国博士后基金项目(编号2013M542374) 陕西省重点学科"国民经济学" 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201510697026)的阶段性成果
关键词 迁移式扶贫 可持续金融 特困区 poverty alleviation through migration, sustainable finance. Dovertv . tri, k, n ,
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