子贡是孔子的高足。据《论语》、《左传》载 ,子贡立世行政恪守儒家思想和道德要求。司马迁却在《史记》的《货殖列传》、《仲尼弟子列传》中 ,将子贡塑造为著名商人和纵横家。这不仅与《论语》《左传》相悖 ,也与《史记》其他篇目中有关子贡的描写也相抵触。本文试图从较深层面分析个中原因 ,并由此揭示子贡形象的历史意义和现实意义。
Zi Gong is a good student of Confucius. According to The Analects of Confucius and A History Book By Zuo Qiuming, Zi Gong did everything as the Confucian thought and morality demanded him. However, Sima Qian described him as a famous businessman and political strategist in his book Records of the Historian, contradicting some articles. This paper tries its best to analyze the deep-rooted reasons so that Zi Gong's historical and realistic significance may be revealed.
Hebei Academic Journal