《金瓶梅》创造了一种大不同于前的新的小说叙述模式范本 :叙事顺序与结构由单线纵向式演变为多线纵横交叉式。叙事的空间与时间展示由平面线性的跳跃式 ,演变为立体展放式。叙事意象结构在做纵向叙述的同时 ,更注重意象间的横向联系 ,在组合、穿插意象过程中 ,采用遮蔽、节略、象征、对映、借代等手法有意造成叙述者与作者在价值取向上的疏离和矛盾 ,从而出现一系列的象外之象 ,象外之意。叙事焦点则是由事向人再向人的本质的个性化的转换。
The Plum in the Golden Vase creates a unique mode different from the former novels. The order of narration and structure changes from single line to multi-lined narration. The time and space of narration changed from horizon to perpendicularity. The structure of artistic conception utilizes various narrative ways to create a large group of images. The narrative focuses on the transition from telling events to describing characters.
Hebei Academic Journal