
国际终身学习战略推展:历程、现状与发展思考 被引量:8

International Perspective on Lifelong Learning Strategy Implementation:History, Current Situation and Development
摘要 从历史发展看,终身学习经历了一个从术语、政策到战略转变的过程。进入21世纪,许多国家把终身学习从政策层面上升到战略高度,制定、颁布了终身学习战略(Lifelong Learning Strategy)的行动白皮书,并付诸于实践。从21世纪前10年诸多国家终身学习战略文本看,呈现了一些美好图景:希翼战略愿景为本国发展服务;希翼战略部门有效联结;希翼培育自下而上的学习文化;希翼建立连贯的财政支持体系。然而,从终身学习战略推展实效看,战略效果评估存在愿景与结果的鸿沟,战略推展部门出现整合与割裂的鸿沟,战略财政投入呈现承诺与行动的鸿沟,战略文化培育存在精英与大众的鸿沟。虽然存在诸多问题,但其对未来我国终身学习战略文本的制定无疑具有一定参考价值,包括:从教育规划向终身学习战略思维的转变;实现横向与纵向运行系统的有效整合;建立连贯的财政支持体系;注重终身学习信息数据的搜集与监测。 From the perspective of historical development, Lifelong Learning encountered a change process from term to poli-cy to strategy. Entering the 21st century, many countries rose Lifelong Learning from the policy level to the strategic level, formulated and promulgated white paper of Lifelong Learning Strategy, and took forward into action. The text of Lifelong Learning Strategy in the first ten years of 21st showed some common prospect, hoping strategy vision served for the country development, hoping the strategic department can effective connected, hoping to cultivate a bottom-up learning culture, and hoping to establish a coherent financial support system. However, from the perspective of the implementation outcomes, it had a big gap between hopes and outcomes, be-tween commitment and action of the strategic financial investment , between elite and mass of the strategic culture cultivation. Al-though there are some problems, it has certain value on the formulation of Lifelong Learning Strategy in our country, including changing the thinking from educational programs to Lifelong Learning Strategy , achieving effective integration between the system of horizontal and vertical operating, establishing a coherent financial support system, focusing on gathering and monitoring Lifelong Learning data.
出处 《远程教育杂志》 CSSCI 2016年第4期74-84,共11页 Journal of Distance Education
基金 山东省社会科学规划研究项目"先秦儒家的人才思想与当代人力资源开发研究"(项目编号:12CJYJ10)的研究成果 "江西科技师范大学2015年青年拔尖人才计划"资助成果 "江西科技师范大学教育学一级重点学科资助和高校人文社会科学重点研究基地"资助
关键词 终身学习 终身学习战略 成人教育 推展 国际视野 Lifelong learning Lifelong learning strategy Adult education Implementation International perspective
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