“公天下”思想是中国数千年文化史的一条血脉。孙中山说三民主义皆据于孔子大同思想 ,毛泽东、邓小平都是伟大的社会主义者。从这些历史人物的思想及实践 ,可见“公天下”无疑是 2 0世纪的重要现象。但是 ,一个“公”字 ,含“公”“共”“平”诸意 ,其意既不同 ,其实践结果亦大相径庭。况且任何思想都是双刃剑 ,任何思想可以有开放性也可以有排他性。这些思想实行的结果就使 2 0世纪中国不仅具有独特的历史风貌 。
Justice has been through the Chinese history. Sun Yat-sen says that his three principles of serving people come from Confucius, while Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping are great socialists. From these people, there is no doubt that justice is an important phenomenon of the 20th century. However, justice in Chinese can be explained as the following meanings of public, common, equality and so on. Now that justice has different explanations, its practice is also different. Any thought is a double-edged sword open and opposite to the outside. The practices of these thoughts have brought unique history and deeper and farther influence on China in the 20th century.
Hebei Academic Journal
correct explanation of justice
differences between public and common
public and private