通过Truck Sim软件建立半挂汽车列车整车仿真模型,进行方向盘角阶跃输入仿真试验,通过改变牵引车及挂车的参数,以研究不同参数对操纵稳定性的影响.试验表明:适当的增加牵引车的质量、加长牵引车轴距、加长挂车车轴距牵引车前轴的距离,降低挂车质量、缩短牵引车铰接点到前轮的距离能有效提高半挂汽车列车操纵稳定性.
This paper describes building up the model of the semi-dragging trucks by the software called Truck Sim to make the steer-ing wheel angle step input test, the way of which is to change the parameters of the tractor and the trailer in order to research the influencetoward handing stability. The results show that the handling and stability characteristics has improved by increasing the tractor’s qualityappropriately, lengthening the distance of the tractor’s axis, lengthening the distance between the trailer’s axis and the trailer’s wheels,reducing the trailer’s quality and reducing the distance between the tractor’s hinged joint and the front wheels.
Journal of Guangxi Science & Technology Normal University