为阐明浙江清凉峰国家级自然保护区内森林生态环境与昆虫多样性之间的关系,于2014年7-9月采用巴氏诱罐法系统调查了该保护区内的常绿落叶阔叶混交林(EDB),针阔混交林(MBC),针叶林(CON),落叶阔叶林(BD),山核桃林(CC),常绿阔叶林(EBL),菜园(GAR)等7种植物群落的步甲物种多样性及其变化,并对森林生态环境质量进行评价。共诱捕步甲昆虫个体658头,分属于5属5种。其中,中华心步甲Nebria chinensis和大星步甲Calosoma maximovicz为优势种;常绿落叶阔叶混交林中步甲的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数和Simpson优势度指数均较高。基于Ind Val方法的不同生境指示生物的指示值,中华心步甲可作为常绿落叶阔叶混交林的指示生物,而大星步甲可作为落叶阔叶林的指示生物。步甲群落结构与生境因子之间的冗余分析的结果表明:坡度、坡向和干扰程度是造成不同生境步甲群落组成差异性的主要原因。
To elucidate the relationship between forest ecological environment and insect biodiversity in theQingliangfeng National Nature Reserve of Zhejiang Province, a systematic investigation on species diversity anddiversity variation of carabid beetles was conducted from July to October 2014 using pitfall traps. Carabid beetleswere caught from seven types of vegetation habitats, i.e. evergreen and deciduous broadleaf mixed forests(ED B), mixed broadleaf-coniferous forests (MBC), coniferous forests (CON), broadleaf deciduous forests(BD ), Carya cathayensis forests (CC), evergreen broadleaf forests (E B L), and gardens (GAR). The Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou evenness index, and Simpson dominance index were used for analysis, and theindicator-value (IndVal) method was used to determine indicator species for different habitats. Finally, a redundancyanalysis (RDA) was employed between community structures and biotop factors. Results indicated atotal of 658 carabid beetles, belonging to 5 species of 5 genera in Coleoptera with Nebria chinensis and Calosomamaximovicz being the dominant species. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou evenness index, andSimpson dominance index revealed more carabid beetles in EBD than in other vegetation habitats. IndValshowed Nebria chinensis as an indicator of EDB while Calosoma maximovicz was an indicator of BD. Redundancyanalysis indicated that the slope, aspect, and degree of disturbance were the major reasons for compositiondifferences in the carabid beetle communities of different habitats. The results suggest that differentbiotope factors influenced the environments where carabid beetles survived, and then influenced the speciescomposition and quantity distribution pattern. [Ch, 1 fig. 5 tab. 20 ref.]
Journal of Zhejiang A&F University